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Video and Audio Sermons

Sermon Audio & Video Listing

Featured New Sermon -- New sermons are posted every week on Thursday. We will start presenting with in the next month all our sermons in the Windows Media Player format.

Spiritual Israelites by Tom Kerry
Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
Download: Video 43MB or 15MB | MP3 23MB


The following list of sermons, in both audio and video format, have been presented by ministers and speakers of
The Church of God, Ministries International.

How do I play/download audio and video files? - General information able viewing and listening to our audio and video sermons.

2006 Sermons

Love By: Mr. Khris Dillinger
Broadband | Dialup
Video     87 MB | 13 MB | MP3
The Working Prayer By: Mr. Ian Hufton
Broadband | Dialup
Video  25 MB | 9 MB
The Sojourner Among Us By: Mr. Tom Kerry
Broadband | Dialup
Video   40 megs | 14 megs

Feast of Tabernacles, 2006 Ft. Walton Beach, Florida

Rejoice Before King Jesus by Ian Hufton
Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
Download: Video 101MB or 15MB | MP3 14MB
Your Life Span by James Ross - Split-Sermon
Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
Download: Video 56MB or 8MB | MP3 12MB
Stewardship by Willie Burks - Split-Sermon
Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
Download: Video 60MB or 9MB | MP3 8MB
Sabbath Time Line by Rick Brunson - Sermonette
Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
Download: Video 29MB or 13MB | MP3 13MB
The Advanced Team - Pt. 1 by Tom Kerry
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 92MB or 14MB | MP3 13MB
The Advanced Team - Pt. 2 by Tom Kerry
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 84MB or 13MB | MP3 11MB
The Spirit by Oliver Jones
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 42MB or 8MB | MP3 6MB
Family by Bruce Chapman
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 89MB or 14MB | MP3 12MB
The Way to the Kingdom by Clayton Evans - Sermonette
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 30MB or 5MB | MP3 14MB

Hope, Faith and Trust In God by Bruce Chapman
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 106MB or 17MB | MP3 15MB
Keeping in Mind, God's Kingdom by Danny Ellis - Split Sermon
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 87MB or 12MB | MP3 11MB
The Coming Kingdom by Elwood Woodcock - Split Sermon
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 46MB or 8MB | MP3 6MB
Festival Planning by Ian Hufton
 Streaming: Broadband | Dial-up
 Download: Video 110MB or 16MB | MP3 16MB

And the Gospel shall be preached to all the World.......


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This publication is intended to be used as a personal study tool. Please know it is not wise to take any
man's word for anything, so prove all things for yourself from the pages of your own Bible.

The Church of God, Ministries International
1767 Stumpf Blvd.
Gretna, LA.  70056

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The activities of the Church of God, Ministries International are paid  for by tithes, offerings and donations freely given by Christians and co-workers who are dedicated to preaching the gospel according to Jesus Christ.